Year: 2021

The FSBI’s COP26 letter

Adding our voice to the COP26 call View the Full Satement Here >>   Global societal consensus on the effects of climate change on fisheries and other aquatic resources Below is a condensed version of the letter sent to the Rt Hon Alok Sharma (the President of COP26) and to Mr Nick Bridge (the UK […]

The Unique Opportunity for Global South Members

Hi I am Daniela Souza. I am a Brazilian genetic and evolutionary biology masters working for aquatic wildlife conservation trying to to promote real life actions to the conservation of wildlife. When I saw the ‘FSBI Global South’ reduced fee I knew that I had to attend! As a Brazilian woman from a poor socioeconomic background the Global South Initiative […]

Ada’s experience on applying for an FSBI studentship

Hi, I’m Ada, a first-year PhD student funded by the FSBI Studentship program. My path to a PhD place started in 2018 when I decided to apply for a research-focused masters  in freshwater and fish ecology in the UK. The first decision was to contact Prof Anne Magurran, at the University of St Andrews, after reading some of her exciting […]

JFB Special Issue on Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA): A call for submissions

Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has emerged as a powerful and widely used tool for understanding the physiology, ecology, evolution, conservation, and management of fishes. Submission Deadline; 1st Feb 2022 Click here to submit an enquiry to the SIA JFB team   Research themes may include but are not limited to; The dynamics of isotopic turnover […]

FSBI and IFM Collaboration Announcement

FSBI and IFM A new collaboration to foster integration of science and policy across the fish and fisheries communities What We Plan to Do (Summary) Joint Membership Option A key objective for both societies is to promote dual involvement to improve the connectivity between our members by offering a dual membership package. Increase Our Social […]

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