
The Unique Opportunity for Global South Members

Hi I am Daniela Souza. I am a Brazilian genetic and evolutionary biology masters working for aquatic wildlife conservation trying to to promote real life actions to the conservation of wildlife. When I saw the ‘FSBI Global South’ reduced fee I knew that I had to attend! As a Brazilian woman from a poor socioeconomic background the Global South Initiative […]

Ada’s experience on applying for an FSBI studentship

Hi, I’m Ada, a first-year PhD student funded by the FSBI Studentship program. My path to a PhD place started in 2018 when I decided to apply for a research-focused masters  in freshwater and fish ecology in the UK. The first decision was to contact Prof Anne Magurran, at the University of St Andrews, after reading some of her exciting […]

How the 2019 symposium led to my PhD place

My name is Joseph Perkins and I am a student FSBI member finishing my masters by research degree at the University of Salford. In the summer of 2018, I was fortunate enough to get accepted to deliver a speed talk at the FSBI symposium in Hull. The symposium was focused on advances in eDNA-based approaches […]

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