Wyn Wheeler Research Grant

Date & time :

05 Jan, 01 May, 02 September

23.59  PM GMT

What is the Wyn Wheeler Research Grant?

The aim of this funding is to provide retired members of the Society with financial support for continued activity in fish biology. This grant is named in honour of one of the Society's founders, Alwyne Wheeler, who pursued his interests in fish biology – and continued to make significant impacts – long after retirement.

 Applicants can bid for up to £6000 to support their projects.

The Wyn Wheeler Research Grant Fund was created at the behest of the Society's former Newsletter Editor, Terry Langford. The aim of this grant is to provide members with financial support for their continued activity in fish biology following retirement from full-time employment. There is one grant of £6,000 available annually.

2 Key Documents Before Applying

Before applying please download the two documents below, read through them and fill in any information needed. You will need to do this before applying on your my.fsbi.org.uk account.
Once you have the 2 Key Documents please click below to apply now on our my.fsbi portal.

Important Information On Our Travel Grant

The closing dates for applications are midnight GMT on 05 January, 01 May, 02 Sept each year. Late applications will not be considered. If you do not receive acknowledgement within 48 hours please contact theteam@fsbi.org.uk

Subject-related questions should be addressed to the chair of the Wyn Wheeler sub-committee.

Grant will provide up to

