Hi I am Daniela Souza. I am a Brazilian genetic and evolutionary biology masters working for aquatic wildlife conservation trying to to promote real life actions to the conservation of wildlife.
When I saw the ‘FSBI Global South’ reduced fee I knew that I had to attend!
As a Brazilian woman from a poor socioeconomic background the Global South Initiative set up by KU Leuven and the FSBI was perfect. It allowed me to interact with researchers around the world and listen to the wonderful talks including world leading researches like Dr Pauly, Dr Hayden and Dr Maan.
The symposium has already helped me expand my knowledge, networking and scientific vision.
All of the lectures and posters during the symposium were of significantly high quality and really helped facilitate my understanding of many new concepts that I have not come across within my research focus.
For example, the lecture presented by Dr. Hayden illustrated the “winter ecology” concept. Where winter ecological variations could impact on both feeding habits and ecotyping diversity which in turns, could affect the invading capability of non-native species!
This concept presented in lecture was entirely new for me, and as such, opened my horizons to new analysis outside my focus in my future projects making me a better/completer professional.
[click_to_tweet tweet=“The question is not whether you are a pessimist or optimist, it is whether you will do something” Dr Pauly @FishBaseProject – One of the important quotes that resonated with @BioSouzaDaniela as a Latin-American researcher ” quote=”The question is not whether you are a pessimist or optimist, it is whether you will do something” Dr Pauly” theme=”style4]
As a Latin-American researcher working through the adversities of financing, governance issues and lower international impact of research this quote by Dr Daniel Pauly resonated strongly with me. Although this quote was made in reference to climate change and the sate of our oceans, I strongly believe that it is highly important for all areas of research in science and fisheries research.
I believe that science that is more communicative, inclusive and diverse is also more efficient.
It was also made very clear to me in the communication workshops he importance of social media for science, especially twitter and professional webpages. Not only can networking help initiate the exchange of research experiences but also help expand the globe reach and impact of your research. This can help bring out stronger collaborative efforts in your work which may help you become more efficient in producing results or writing about them.
The FSBI 2021 symposium handed me a unique opportunity that I will never forget.
In just the three short days of the FSBI 2021 symposium has had a significantly developed the way I think about research and has positively impact on my hopes to achieve my academic dreams in the future.
I would advise any global south participants to leap at the chance to participate in any future online symposiums, especially if you are like me an aspirational early career researcher!