Year: 2018

PhD Studentships: Sensory Ecology, Parasites and Mate Choice in the Guppy, POECILIA RETICULATA

Jessica Stephenson Cardiff University & Bristol University Supervisor(s): Joanna Cable & Gabrielle Archard, & Julian Partridge My research focuses on the way information from different sensory systems (vision and olfaction) interact to inform animal decisions. I am using the guppy-gyrodactylid model system to test how parasitism affects this interaction in a mate choice context. In […]

PhD Studentship: A Genomic approach to the Genetic Impact of an Invasive Congener on a threatened native pond fish

Daniel Jeffries University of Hull & Cefas-Lowestoft Supervisor(s): Bernd Hänfling, Lori Lawson-Handley & Gordon Copp Research on invasive species and invaded communities is essential to understanding and predicting biodiversity change. Furthermore, introduced species are excellent model systems with which to address fundamental questions in biology. However, biological invasions can have dramatic impacts on native species […]

PhD Studentship: The Structure and Function of Social Networks in a Marine Predator

David Jacoby Marine Biological Association & University of Exeter Supervisor(s): Darren Croft and David Sims It is well documented that many species of shark exhibit frequent, and often sexually segregated, aggregation behaviour during the resting phase of their diel cycle. This behaviour has been linked in the past to habitat or environmental preferences, foraging opportunities […]

PhD Studentship: Validation and Development of Otolith Microchemistry in free-ranging Marine Fish

Anna Sturrock University of Southampton Supervisor(s): Dr Clive Trueman, Dr Ewan Hunte The aim of the project is to determine the relationship between otolith microchemistry and the ambient environmental conditions experienced by free-swimming plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). By matching known spatial and temporal movements with otolith composition, we hope to validate and develop otolith microchemistry […]

Symposium 2019: Call for Abstracts. Deadline Extended

We welcome contributions for oral or poster presentations on the topic of “Advances in eDNA-based Approaches to Fish Ecology and Management”. Please take account of the symposium sub-themes when submitting your abstract. Potential contributors should submit abstracts for oral, poster presentation or 3 minute speed-talk following the template shown below. The scientific steering committee will review all […]

Symposium 2018: Photographic Competition

This year, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the first FSBI conference photographic competition.  When submitting an abstract, we invite you to submit a photograph (your own image that you have image rights to), that reflects either the content of their abstract, or one of the themes of the conference.  If you are not […]

Symposia 2018: Call for Abstracts

We welcome contributions for oral or poster presentations on the topic of  “The Sustainable Use and Exploitation of Fishes”. Please take account of the symposium sub-themes when submitting your abstract. Potential contributors should submit abstracts for oral, poster presentation or 3 minute speed-talk by 1st March 2018following the template shown below. The scientific steering committee will review all […]

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