
The FSBI has Joined a Worldwide Rallying Call for Urgent Action on Human-Caused Climate Change

A worldwide statement from 110 societies calls upon urgent action on climate change  View the Full Satement Here >>   The World Climate Statement Below is a condensed version of the statement from above, drafted by the AFS, that outlines the challenges presented by climate change, the science based evidence for human-caused climate change and […]

Nominations for the 2020 International Fisheries Science Prize

The International Fisheries Section of the American Fisheries Society is requesting nominations for the International Fisheries Science Prize (IFSP). The IFSP honors an individual for his or her contribution to global fisheries science and/or conservation and is presented once every four years at the congress of the World Council of Fisheries Societies. The Prize will […]

Symposia 2018: Call for Abstracts

We welcome contributions for oral or poster presentations on the topic of  “The Sustainable Use and Exploitation of Fishes”. Please take account of the symposium sub-themes when submitting your abstract. Potential contributors should submit abstracts for oral, poster presentation or 3 minute speed-talk by 1st March 2018following the template shown below. The scientific steering committee will review all […]

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