Call for tender for a consultancy to support promoting Equity Diversity and Inclusion within the FSBI
The FSBI is interested in promoting Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) within the society itself and in fisheries biology at large.
July 17th 2022
Budget £3000 Inc. VAT
Download Call for Tender Doc
Project Overview
We envision three phases for this process.
(1) The first phase is an information-gathering step, which will be used as a spring-board for internal discussions and as a means for increasing participation in the Taskforce. The first phase is the object of this call for tender.
(2) In the second phase, with an expanded Taskforce, we intend to host inclusive discussions/workshops with members and key stakeholders to help develop initiatives to implement EDI goals.
(3) In phase three, the proposals emerging from the discussions will be taken forward to deliver concrete outcomes. The outcomes are expected to include, in addition to improved or new activities, a public EDI mission statement, a ‘hub’ on the FSBI website for useful links and updates, and a long-term strategy for implementing changes and promoting EDI.
Terms of Reference
i) Review the current activities of the FSBI eight committees for potential barriers or opportunities to promoting EDI, and specifically:
• Terms of Reference of the committee (usually 1 page)
• Accessibility of application forms of the grants/events administered by the committee
• Scoring criteria used for the awards (usually 1 page)
• Diversity in composition of the committee members
• Diversity of awardees (using available statistics, likely only on country and gender)
ii) Expert advice on specific elements of a membership survey we are developing, namely: a quick review of any gaps in the survey itself; advice on a call for volunteers to join the EDI Taskforce that would accompany such a survey. Through this call, we aim to increase the membership and diversity of the Taskforce.
iii) Initial recommendations on how to operationalise next steps to enter phases (2) and (3)
The FSBI key point of contact (Katie Longo and Holly Shiels) will ensure access to relevant data and
materials required for the review (e.g., statistics on grant awardees of recent years, copies of application
templates, etc). These will be shared under agreed confidentiality rules.
How to submit an expression of interest for PHASE 1 of the project. (Note: Phase 2 and 3 will be considered separately).
If interested, please send a description of the proposed work, including a timeline, a proposed start date and a budget (2 pages max) along with your CV (and/or equivalent links to relevant web pages). Please note that we expect a maximum budget of 3,000£ including VAT.