PhD Studentships FSBI

PhD Studentship with the FSBI

The FSBI holds an annual competition open to members wishing to apply for postgraduate study leading to a PhD degree.

Applications close at 17.00h GMT on Friday 27 January. Late applications will not be considered. If you do not receive acknowledgment of receipt within 48 hours please contact


To be eligible, applicants must be paid up members of the FSBI at the time of making a grant application.

Research projects may be in any field of study relevant to fish biology and to the aims of the FSBI, as listed on the inside cover page of the Journal of Fish Biology. Projects concerned solely with shellfish (Mollusca or Crustacea) are not eligible for support.

What Studentships Include

The award is fully funded for four years. The Society will be responsible for the payment of institutional fees up to the level required for UK residents (at UK universities) and Republic of Ireland students (at Irish universities). Including the costs of tuition, registration for a higher degree, and viva voce examinations.

The current stipend is approximately £1,000 more than UK Research Council (UKRI) standard rate, with a differential stipend (London weighting) for students registered at London-based universities, and include an annual £3,500 contribution to consumable costs. Students that do not meet these residence criteria must evidence arrangements to pay the balance of any university fees (e.g. match funding and/or fee waiver from the University).

Apply Here!

To apply please download and fill in the following forms;

Download the Application Form: Application form

Download the Supervisor Letter of Support: Supervisor Letter of Support

Download the Report Cover: Report Cover

Read the Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions

Please send these filled in forms and any supporting documents to with CC'd. 

Applications close at 17.00h GMT on Friday 27 January 2023. Late applications will not be considered. 

Short-listed applicants will be invited to attend for interview, usually to be held in late February/early March.

Subject-related inquiries should be addressed to the FSBI admin

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